The $100,000 challenge is related to The Bible Challenge.
The goal is to distribute 100,000 Bibles to the persecuted church.
In order to reach our goal, we need 200,000 Christians who are willing to buy an $80.00 gift card for only $6.00 (50% goes to the distribution of God’s word, which means that every two gift card purchases will provide one Bible).
That’s where “The $100,000 Challenge” comes into play.
By the way, this affiliate option is available to every Christian, church, ministry, Christian organization, and Christian media outlet.
The two possibilities…
There are two possibilities for you to receive the $100,000 bonus.
The first possibility…
When you have 200,000 gift card purchases through your affiliate link, you’ve distributed 100,000 Bibles to the persecuted church.
As a result, you will receive the $100,000 bonus.
Obviously, this is only possible for those who have a significant audience.
The second possibility…
You have the most gift card purchases through your affiliate link when we reach the combined number of 100,000 Bibles. (Each affiliate has 30 days to reach the 200,000 gift card purchases. After the 30 days, the affiliate will become part of the combined number with other affiliates).
For example, 1,000 churches participate and almost all of them have 200 gift card purchases each.
However, one has 199 gift card purchases and one has 201 gift card purchases. The church with the 201 gift card purchases will receive the $100,000 bonus.
10,000 Christians participate and almost all of them have 20 gift card purchase each.
However, one has 19 gift card purchases and one has 21 gift card purchases. The one with the 21 gift card purchases will receive the $100,000 bonus.
Therefore, the more Christians, churches, ministries, Christian organizations, and Christian media outlets participate, the faster we’ll be able to distribute the 100,000 Bibles and the less purchases one needs in order to receive the $100,000 bonus.
Also, since there’s no cap to the number of bonuses, every 200,000 gift card purchases, whether individually or combined, includes a $100,000 bonus.
You can register at any time…
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
In Christ Alone,
Mr. Jan Blonk
P.S. Churches and ministries can participate in an affiliate program without any consequences to their 501(c)(3) status. The former AmazonSmile and the current Amazon Associates are probably the best examples.
P.P.S. Click here for the terms of The $100,000 Challenge.